Everyone’s got one. Ours is that we discover and tell the stories of others. They call it “marketing communications.” We just call it “making conversation.” So, let’s talk about it.


We are seekers and travelers with sharp eyes and big ears… and our brains are pretty good too.  Together, we’ve been telling the story of Silicon Valley and South Park start-ups since people started talking about them. To tell stories, we make pictures. We make them move and move people to action… sometimes to tears, but in a good way. 


Over the years we’ve been fortunate to work with great clients and build friendships, and been inspired by some very interesting folks.  We’ve built a reputation for collaboration, creativity, and keeping a calm head… and for telling the stories of real people. 


Now we’re moving in a new direction, seeking out the stories of those working to benefit our world. Whatever the scope, we’ll bring our passion to your project and help you get your message out, wherever it needs to go. 


And we’re honest, we’ll help you make sense and save dollars because we’ve been doing this awhile…because we like it. You’ll like us too. 







A transplant from his native England, Dave has been ripening in the California sun for the last 17 years.

In England, he was Creative Director /Director of his own award winning production company One Point Five, working in all sectors of the communications industry including TV commercials, music videos, corporate branding films, and live shows and events. 

Once in San Francisco, he established himself as a leading creative in the Bay area. He has a knack for understanding the message a client wants to communicate and then crafting that into meaningful media that meets their objective. A background in design gives his work a strong visual sense of style, and raising the creative bar is his trademark. Which is another way of saying he “sees” the perfect imagery and it’s a bit like 20 questions or charades to decipher it, but top notch creative is always the result. 

The only thing he cares more about than making images is football, that’s the round ball version by the way.

Lisa dropped her roots in California in the late 80’s, after a stop in NYC for several years from her native Midwest. 

She began her career while in New York working in documentary film, learning the craft from cinema verite pioneers Charlotte Zwerin and Christian Blackwood, filmmakers part of a movement changing the face of the genre. These early years helped root an interest and understanding of the importance in bringing true stories to an audience and the impact that can result. 

Once she moved west she expanded into commercial, music video, and television production. She is a creative producer, seeing her role as helping transform a vision into a finished piece of media that communicates well with the resources available. This has earned her a reputation for working well with creatives and keeping a relaxed vibe throughout the process. Actually, she sees herself as part translator, part therapist… but is willing to go on the wild creative ride because the outcome is always worth it. 



Dave and Lisa started working as a team when they finished a job and realized they still wanted to do another one together. They both share the belief that work shouldn’t feel like work, and they bring that attitude to every project. Bottom line, they’re all about a good story.